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ARIPO Trademark Registration
$2,750.00Our charges include normal filing and prosecution of one trade mark application in one class and official fees under Banjul Protocol in 12 ARIPO Member States.
The quoted fees are for straightforward cases and include all official and professional fees. The fees do not include responses to office actions, defenses from third party pre- or post-registration oppositions or responses to cancellation actions.
Any other fees outside this quote will be communicated to you before being incurred.
Trademark Registration Zimbabwe
$750.00Our charges include filing and normal prosecution up to registration of one trade mark application in one class.
The quoted fees are for straightforward cases and include all official and professional fees. The fees do not include responses to office actions, defenses from third party pre- or post-registration oppositions or responses to cancellation actions.
Any other fees outside this amount will be communicated to you before being incurred
Trademark Watch Service (Annual)
$500.00Watch limited to Zimbabwe, African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) region and international trademarks effective in Zimbabwe and ARIPO region (with legal opinion on the identified trademarks). Charges are for one trademark in one or two classes.